6 min read
Getting Around, or Just Getting By? Where People Live With Fewer Cars
The character of neighborhoods is greatly influenced by the prevalence of cars. Residents of some...
Issi Romem
7 min read
The Incredible Shrinking Yard!
America’s homes are getting bigger, but more space comes at a price: the backyard. New single fam...
Felipe Chacón
6 min read
The Changing Face of America
America still is getting more diverse, but many of the changes to the nation’s population might s...
Felipe Chacón
Everything you need to know about homebuying
Learn more
8 min read
Where to Live and Let Love Find You
Unlucky in love? It’s not you, it’s your city. The dating pool in the nation’s largest cities var...
4 min read
What Locals Hate About New York City and San Francisco
New Yorkers get rankled by noise — be it loud music and parties or banging or loud TVS R...
8 min read
Prop 13: Winners and Losers From America’s Legendary Taxpayer Revolt
Corrected on Nov. 30 at 1:30 p.m. ET. See below. California’s Proposition 13 is the voter initiat...
3 min read
Where to Avoid Ghastly Unnatural Hazards: Zombies, Vampires and Ghosts
For the month of October, Trulia is bringing back its unnatural hazard maps to help house hunters...