Discovery Academy Of Science Charter School

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Read what parents are saying about Discovery Academy Of Science Charter School
As a former teacher whose children attended Discovery Academy of Science for a couple of years, I regretfully had to leave due to the distance of our new home. Reflecting on our time there, both as a parent and educator, I can unequivocally say that our fondest memories revolve around Mrs. Amy. She embodies the heart and soul of the school, consistently radiating cheerfulness and positivity that brightened the days of both staff and students alike.Mrs. Amy's dedication goes beyond the call of duty. Whether it was reassuring students before an upcoming test or simply going the extra mile, she consistently demonstrated her commitment to their success. In my 15 years in education, I've encountered few individuals who match her level of genuine care for both staff and students. Her work ethic is unparalleled; regardless of the challenges she faced, she maintained a smile and an unwaveringly positive attitude, always assuring us, "No worries, we've got this."Moreover, Discovery Academy of Science provided an exceptional education. The curriculum is robust, engaging, and tailored to meet the needs of each student. The teachers are not only knowledgeable but also passionate about their subjects, fostering an environment where learning thrives. From advanced STEM programs to comprehensive arts and humanities courses, the school offers a well-rounded education that prepares students for success in the modern world.My children and I sorely miss Mrs. Amy's presence at Discovery Academy of Science. Having transferred to a private school after our departure, we can attest that none compare to the level of care and dedication she provided. If you're seeking a school where your child will receive top-notch education alongside guidance from someone who genuinely cares, look no further. Discovery Academy of Science's impact is incomparable, and any institution would be fortunate to provide such an educational experience.
Posted by a parent on 3/9/2024
I’ve been a parent at our Lady of Lourdes for many years. My children and I have never been happier. It was hard for some parents to accept the change of the new administration and teachers, but the parents who gave it a chance have seen an incredible difference in the school environment and the quality of what our children are learning. My kids come home talking about things they had never learned before. The bar has been raised. The communication to parents is outstanding. The administration does not tolerate bullying or bad behavior. There have been a number of students who have been required to leave the school because of poor behavior. (Hence, the negative reviews!) The administration seems to have a great system in place for dealing with students who bully or misbehave consistently. They don’t instantly punish, but instead, they have reflection assignments for children that are based on the values of the school, and from what I hear, they really work! Teachers and the administrators give children opportunities to learn from their mistakes. I always hear them saying they want the students to become the best version of themselves. I think it takes a lot of guts to come into a school and make the changes that they made, but our family supports these changes 100%. We love the school and apparently many people do because the enrollment is growing to the point where they don’t have a lot of openings anymore. If you’re reading this review, because you are considering a middle school for your child, I strongly suggest you call the school and ask for a tour. The assistant principal gives you a private tour anytime you would like, (with appointment of course!) and I had friends who recently went on the tour and told me how impressed they were that the principal actually came out and introduced yourself and talked with them for a while. It really is like a family there. Can’t say enough about this OLL. We love it and most importantly, my children are happy.
Posted by a parent on 11/29/2023
Discovery Academy of Science is a fantastic school,My daughter has been going to DAS for over six years.Principal Akbaba has implemented many new things at DAS for the students to make it a great school.He is a selfless principal and volunteers his weekends helping his students with science olympiad and extra tutoring for the kids in need.My daughter receives an excellent education and I love how we know what our daughters learning by getting the daily DAS connect reports showing us what our daughter is learning and how she is doing in school. Mr.Almy has made my daughter love literature and reading,Thanks to Mr.Zehender my daughter now enjoys math!And as a parent my favorite thing at DAS is Mrs.Amy she has a unique connection with the students at DAS. She takes the time to make each student feel noticed, important and valuable. She ensures to listen to students and communicates with them in a respectful tone letting them know that even though they are students and have much to learn, they are significant beings in this world.She has a big heart and loves DAS and it shows because the students love her too.I have contacted her on many occasions to check up on my child if she forgot her lunch,jacket or a school supply I never had to worry because if she forgot her lunch she got her something to eat or if she got cold she provided her with a jacket or if she needed help understanding something Mrs.Amy was always there for her.I honestly don't know how she does it all with always a smile on her face!She is the heart and soul of the school!My only dislike about DAS is that is that they don't have a high school yet.
Posted by a parent on 12/18/2020
We completed our first year and it was a great experience for my kid and family.we are so glad that we did the right decision to choosing DAS over our zoned school.
Posted by a parent on 5/30/2019
My children have been going to DAS for three years now.And we love it!If your looking for a school for your child that will give them the best education look no further DAS us the best school!
Posted by a parent on 2/9/2019
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Dunedin schools - Discovery Academy Of Science Charter School is located at 1120 Curlew Road, Dunedin FL 34698. Discovery Academy Of Science Charter School is in the Pinellas. Discovery Academy Of Science Charter School is a Charter school that serves grade levels K-8.

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