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Author: Justin Wade

8 min read

The City by the – Crane? San Francisco Out-Builds All Other Markets in 2017

San Francisco – a market known for having an expensive and chronic undersupply of housing – won t...
Justin Wade
7 min read

Immigration Nation: The Trump Six

Recent immigrants from countries named in President Donald Trump’s March 6 executive order strugg...
Justin Wade
0 min read

10 Things You Need To Know About Luxury Real Estate

Methodology and Sources Trulia Inventory and Price Report, Dec. 14, 2016. Homes whose estimated v...
Justin Wade
6 min read

Inventory and Price Watch: It’s Harder To Get Started

America’s starter-home shortage is worsening. The number of available homes for the average first...
Justin Wade
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Everything you need to know about homebuying

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0 min read

The Sandwich Generation

When it comes to sharing a home, more Americans are keeping it all in the family: living with thr...
Justin Wade