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7 Tips to Negotiating Your Lease Renewal

NegotiatingLeaseRenewal0328Alas, you’ve found a place where you actually like the neighbors, nothing leaks, and you have finally something resembling a closet. Unfortunately, at the end of the year, the landlord wants to raise the rent right of your price range — threatening this wonderful thing you’ve got going. Relax, you don’t always have to swallow a gigantic rate increase each year. Try these negotiating tips instead.

Start the Conversation Today

The earlier you start negotiating, the more time you’ll have to sway your landlord’s position. Break the ice with something such as, “Hey, I got your notification, and I’d like to talk to you about the rate increase. It’s a bit outside of my budget at this time. Are you willing to work with me?” This opens the door for a conversation without putting your landlord on the defensive.

Know What the Property is Worth

Before negotiating, you need to know what similar properties are renting for nearby. Talk to your neighbors, read the classified ads, and find out the current state of your local rental market. Just because a rate increase is within legal limits doesn’t mean it’s within reason for the property.

Find Something to Tip the Scales in Your Favor

Any little tidbit helps when it comes to building your case for a lower rate. Find out if rental prices are falling in your neighborhood or if there are excessive vacancies. If your landlord knows it might be hard to fill the property quickly at any price, he may reconsider your rent.

Point Out Your Qualities as a Tenant

It’s getting harder for landlords to fill properties with renters who pay on time, don’t bounce checks, obey the rules, and keep the property in good working order. If you’re a responsible renter who takes care of the place and reliably sends in the rent check, you’re in a good position to negotiate.

Offer to Extend the Lease

Perhaps if your landlord knew he wouldn’t have to bother with fixing up the place for showings, advertising the property, and interviewing a long list of potential tenants for a while, he or she might be willing to settle for less money. Offer to sign the lease for 18-24 months instead of 6-12.

Think About Paying Early or in Advance

Small businesses and family property owners are often swayed by upfront money. Offer to pay three months’ rent in advance (if you can) or consider moving your monthly due date to the first instead of the fifth. Getting money in advance is often an impressive ncentive.

Agree to an Increase in Exchange for Something

If it looks like your landlord simply isn’t going to budge on the increase, try for some non-monetary perks that pay off in other ways. Perhaps you’d be willing to stomach the price jump more easily if your property manager fixed the ceiling fan, painted the walls, or installed a garbage disposal.

And remember that negotiations with smaller companies and individual owners are easier than making a deal with massive property management companies. But if you are renting from a large corporation, and facing a huge rent hike is the only alternative, it sure doesn’t hurt to try.