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Archives and Placecast Partner to Increase Relevance of Ads with Audience Targeting and Dynamic Messaging

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(SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.) – November 19, 2008As advertisers and publishers seek ways to improve performance to compensate for shrinking budgets, new technologies like location-based advertising provide a means of improving relevance and response rates. Today, leading real estate site,, and interactive media company, 1020 Placecast, have announced their partnership, using location information to target specific audiences for advertisers and deliver more relevant messages to them on


Placecast adds a new dimension to audience targeting by using location information as the key to relevance. In Trulia’s case, the starting points are the real estate locations in which users express interest. Placecast’s proprietary targeting algorithms correlate these with dozens of other demographic, psychographic and geographic data points.


“Once we know the place a user is interested in, we can derive a lot of useful insights about what kind of consumer they are, and then serve them a very targeted ad,” said Alistair Goodman, CEO of Placecast.


For publishers in categories such as travel, events, tickets, real estate, weather, classifieds and career search, Placecast uses the location information already present on these sites to target audiences and customize messaging. Improved performance results in a dramatic increase in the value of ad inventory for advertisers, transforming remnant ad space into premium CPM real estate for publishers. 


“Turning locations into audiences is one of the biggest challenges facing advertisers today,” said Sean Black, Vice President of Sales at Trulia.  “Trulia presents advertisers with multiple opportunities to serve very targeted ads based on location and consumers search behavior.  Placecast is a cutting edge media company and we are excited to be working with them and their clients to build and deliver successful campaigns.”


One of the first advertisers to take advantage of this approach with Placecast and Trulia is leading car rental brand, Avis-Budget. Approximately halfway through a three-month campaign, Avis has seen its ads on Trulia perform strongly relative to other publishers. The Avis-Budget campaign is just the first of many in the expanded partnership between Trulia and Placecast.


“Agencies and advertisers are really searching for ways to stretch their marketing dollars these days,” observes Goodman. “As an emerging technology capable of driving better performance, Placecast provides an ideal way to effectively target audiences and improve response rates by adding local relevance to national campaigns.”




About 1020 Placecast

1020, Inc. is the developer and owner of Placecast™ Media, the first online advertising network to target highly sought-after audiences using location-based information across the Web, mobile, and Wi-Fi. 1020’s groundbreaking Placecast service recently earned the company the “OnMedia Top 100” Award, given to game-changing companies in the marketing, branding, advertising, and PR industries.  Current advertisers include Microsoft Windows Mobile, FedEx Kinko’s and Hyatt Hotels. 1020 is funded by Voyager Capital and Onset Ventures.  For more information about Placecast, visit


Media Contact:                      

Jenna Britton

VSC Public Relations

213 / 999-2551



About Trulia

Trulia, Inc. ( is a residential real estate search engine and the fastest-growing U.S. real estate Web site (comScore), has revolutionized online home search by offering a rich, intuitive user experience that points consumers directly to listings on agent and broker Web sites. By partnering with the real estate industry, including 93 of the top 100 largest U.S. brokers, Trulia helps approximately 5 million unique visitors per month find information on homes for sale using custom search criteria. The site also provides market trends and neighborhood data at the hyper-local level, as well as real estate Q&A community that enables consumers and professionals to exchange information about their local markets. For more information about Trulia or to experience the power of a Trulia search, visit 


Media Contact:
Ken Shuman /


About Avis Budget Group

Avis Budget Group, Inc. (NYSE: CAR) is a leading provider of vehicle rental services, with operations in more than 70 countries. Through its Avis and Budget brands, the Company is the largest general-use vehicle rental company in each of North America, Australia, New Zealand and certain other regions based on published airport statistics. Avis Budget Group is headquartered in Parsippany, N.J. and has more than 30,000 employees. For more information about Avis Budget Group, visit


Media Contact: Alice Pereira
/ (973) 496-6113 /