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Surfing In A Warm Winter Wonderland

warm winter getaways
Hate getting snowed in for the holidays? Move to Hawaii or Florida, where the temperature is a comfortable 65° F or higher.

For some people, snow is an absolute requirement for the winter holidays. If you’re one of those folks, the best place to live is in Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN, where you’ll have a 79% chance of having 1 inch of snowfall on Christmas Day.

But for snowbirds who prefer to fly south for winter getaways, you should move to Hawaii or Florida. In Kappa, HI, on the island of Kauai, you can expect the average temperature in December to be 72.3° F. Meanwhile in sunny Key West, FL, you can joy 71.5° F weather. But the sunny weather aside, you can also build sandcastles and surf the waves in each of the warm winter wonderlands below. So what are you waiting for – don’t you want to escape the cold?

These are the warmest winter getaways