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Trulia’s 12 Houses: February Horoscope

February Horoscope Trulia Money
February is shaping up to be one of the luckiest months of the year.

This month, focus on fresh starts. With Mercury now moving direct, get clear on your beliefs and values, lay out a plan for your business, start shopping for that home for sale in San Angelo, TX, or get your ducks in a row for a cross-country move and stick to your plans. After the effort, take time for self-care to refresh, recharge, and show yourself some love. Arrange a weekend to a warmer climate, take time to play with pets, or treat yourself to a massage and frozen yogurt. It’s a lucky month, and you’ve got lots to look forward to in your February horoscope: like how great you’ll feel during the upcoming cosmic weather.

Excellent growth, money, opportunity days: 5, 7, 9, 10, 14, 23, 25, 27

Good growth, money, opportunity days: 1, 15, 16, 17, 18, 28

February Horoscope Aries


With your ferocious drive, you hate to do things twice. But look alive, Aries! There’s something on the horizon for February and March: a compromise for intimacy or shared resources, a fight over inheritance, or maybe it’s a disagreement about what needs to change in your life. Hot little Mars is running through your house of other people’s money or mutual holdings and is preparing for a backward jog in early spring. What you have a tiff or make a truce over now might morph into a full-blown whack-a-mole situation in the summer. Set intentions related to the networking opportunity you have in your group or tribe with the new moon on February 8. Someone you’re connected to can help with that idea that you have.

Best action days: 1, 6, 10, 13, 19, 24, 29

Unfavorable action days: 8, 14, 21

February Horoscope Taurus


This month, merrymaking Jupiter is moving backward in your house of recreation, romance, and risk taking. This comes on the heels of sweet talk between Jupiter and Venus that might have had you crushin’ on a new person, place, or idea. Ride the wave of this honeymoon happenstance but don’t take a permanent position until April 10, when Jupiter is moving forward and shares another kiss with Venus. Give creative projects, quick investments, plans with any children in your life, and fun activities the once-over during February and into March. With the new moon on February 8, put out the intention-related work that makes your heart leap. Lay the groundwork for your name being out in the world in twinkling lights!

Best visionary days: 1, 6, 9, 13-14, 19, 23, 28

Unfavorable visionary days: 4, 10, 16

February Horoscope Gemini


Feeling the need to get it in writing, Gemini? Listen to your instincts. With commitment-concerned Saturn in your house of relationships, partnerships, and contracts, you might have the passion to pledge allegiance this month. However, since Saturn is in a chokehold with floaty Neptune for much of the year, building a partnership that lasts will be a challenge. While next year’s outlook is generally better, 2016 has a sprinkle of short-lived opportunities to boost your finances — including being open to advancing and agreement or partnership on February 25 and 29.

Best commitment days: 3, 7, 12, 20, 25, 29

Unfavorable commitment days: 10, 16, 23

February Horoscope Cancer


Ruled by the moon, Cancers are naturally tapped into the emotional vibrations that surround them. With bossy Saturn building long-term residence in your house of service, work, and time management, you may have felt an inner shift. Watch yourself — personally and workwise — for signs of stagnancy and strain. Your secret weapon: taking a relaxing bath. Take some time to yourself for personal restoration (and take a mental health day away from the office) on those best commitment days.

Best commitment days: 3, 7, 12, 20, 25, 29

Unfavorable commitment days: 10, 16, 23

February Horoscope Leo


Daydreaming of sunshine and cold drinks this month, Leo? You could benefit from a visit to a warmer ZIP code to refresh your bruised and frosted spirits. Gregarious Venus and chatty Mercury are making an entrance in your house of relationships and collaborations, so grab a chilly friend and a stack of magazines and head to the airport in the second half of February. With clock-watching Saturn in your house of fun, plan out your playtime (or risk losing it).

Best beauty days: 5, 7, 9, 10, 15, 25, 29

Unfavorable beauty days: 6, 12, 20, 28

February Horoscope Virgo


You’re no stranger to real talk, Virgo, so we’ll be direct. Stringent Saturn has entered your house of home and family to scrutinize this area of your life. We all need a home, and while it may feel like a burden, Saturn wants you to focus on structural security. The timing is favorable to purchase a home this year or next. But heed this warning: Saturn is in a cloudy conga line with Neptune. Be extra careful in May, June, and September to avoid paying too much or taking on a less-than-solid investment. Set intentions on the February 8 new moon related to the hard work it will take to accomplish a project or goal you have in mind. It all begins with laying the groundwork, and this is a great moon to get started.

Best commitment days: 3, 7, 12, 20, 25, 29

Unfavorable commitment days: 10, 16, 23

February Horoscope Libra


Being assertive might sound as fun as holding a lit stick of dynamite to a peace-protecting Libra. But being assertive is about being direct and honest — and you can totally do that. There’s an opportunity to assert your worth right now as Mars blazes through your house of values, income, and possessions. On February 13, ask for that promotion! Even if nothing comes of it now, you’ll be happy you did in the late summer. You’re worth your weight in gold; now start throwing your weight around! With the new moon on February 8, if you’re looking for a little excitement, set intentions related to falling in love with a new project, place, or person.

Best action days: 1, 6, 10, 13, 19, 24, 29

Unfavorable action days: 8, 14, 21

February Horoscope Scorpio


With optimistic Jupiter in your house of community and tribe, you’re looking to spend time with people who like what you like. Whatever personal beliefs you hold or dreams you have for society, now is a good time to hold a rally or gathering to connect with like-minded people. Consider a social event or fundraiser on February 9 and a protest or other bold action on the 13th. Keep up your momentum through summer — there’s some interesting activity in May. Scorpios are known to be fierce creatures; you’ve got this.

Best visionary days: 1, 6, 9, 13-14, 19, 23, 28

Unfavorable visionary days: 4, 10, 16

February Horoscope Sagittarius


A Sagittarius loves an adventure, and this month it’s of the choose-your-own variety. Kick your new ideas into gear as clever Mercury swings into your house of learning, communication, and networking. There’s a chance to research, talk to others, or even consider taking a class to build your skills. Opportunity for enlisting the aid of an experienced acquaintance arrives on the 25th and help from someone with smarts on the 26th.

Best research days: 1, 6, 10, 15, 25-26

Unfavorable research days: 13, 20, 28

February Horoscope Capricorn


Feeling bruised? Pluto, the little planet of the underworld journey, has been lurking in your house of self, the body, and worldly perception since 2008 — with an extended-stay visa until 2024. We have two words for you, Capricorn: Treat yourself! With Venus also kicking around in February, focus on what makes you feel loved, beautiful, and fabulous! But find some balance: The new moon on February 8 is a good time to set intentions related to expanding your income or managing your resources and possessions more effectively.

Best beauty days: 5, 7, 9, 10, 15, 25, 29

Unfavorable beauty days: 6, 12, 20, 28

February Horoscope Aquarius


You may notice that this time each year, you seem a bit busier than usual. That’s because the sun, Mercury, Venus, and even the moon are traveling through your sign, throwing you a birthday party in the house of the self, the body, and your perception of the world. An auspicious function between Venus and Jupiter will be winking in your direction on February 9; someone may want to sponsor or support you. Dress to impress then, and again on February 29, when a chance to close a deal develops between Venus and Saturn.

Best attracting days: 5, 7, 9-10, 15, 25, 29

Unfavorable attracting days: 6, 12, 20, 28

February Horoscope Pisces


Jupiter is making a transit through your house of relationships, partnerships, commitment, and law until September. This is an excellent time to start a business or project with a partner or make a new commitment. Note two dates on the horizon, dear Pisces: February 9 is lucky to be noticed out in the world, and the 13th renews a passion or drive for that joint project. Remember that this has to involve another person to be successful — get things together before May and you’ll benefit from being organized.

Best visionary days: 1, 6, 9, 13-14, 19, 23, 28

Unfavorable visionary days: 4, 10, 16