How to Rent Without A Credit Check

By Trulia | Nov 22, 2017 6:00AM

Submitting your credit history to potential landlords is stressful for anyone who is navigating a competitive rental market—and doubly so for those with less than stellar credit. In fact, for renters who know their credit score is a liability, the best way forward may be to skip the credit check process altogether. As Rick Drew, a residential property manager of Renters Warehouse in Miami notes, credit scores don’t always tell a landlord the renter’s full story. For one thing, he says, “A credit score might not tell you whether or not the tenant will pay their rent on time,” he says. “It’s really a marker as to how you feel about responsibilities.” Here are helpful tips for how to rent without a credit check.

Have you ever rented an apartment or house without a credit check? How was the experience? Let us know in the comments.

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