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VIDEO: No Chimney? No Problem!

How does Santa get into a home without a chimney?

With the holiday season upon us, Trulia had a burning question: Does your home have a chimney for Santa to shinny down to deliver gifts this year?

We crunched the data and discovered that many new homes don’t feature an old-fashioned masonry stack chimney. After pondering a variety of possibilities (over numerous cups of hot chocolate and plates of cookies), we decided the best course of action was to turn to the official experts on Santa — kids.

So we asked you to submit a short video of your children answering the following question:

“How does Santa get into a home without a chimney?”

The responses to #NoChimneyNoProblem were priceless. (And precious.) We spent so many afternoons overloaded by cuteness that we decided to compile a few of our faves into one video.

Ten submissions were chosen at random and each winner scored $500 toward holiday shopping. And in the spirit of the season, Trulia is making a matching donation of $5,000 to our charity partner Toys for Tots so that children in need can enjoy a happy holiday. As of last year, the program distributed more than 469 million toys to more than 216 million children!

Want to help Santa add a few more names to his “Nice” list this year? Donate directly to Toys for Tots here.