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Trulia’s 12 Houses: August Horoscope

Trulia August Money Horoscope Hero Image
August is a cautionary tale disguised by rose­-colored glasses.

August introduces itself with Venus, the planet of beauty, aesthetics, and negotiations, in retrograde — and you might find you have to muster more strength to get what you want.

This month, look both ways if you absolutely must renovate your home, employ diplomacy for a housing bid, or work out a compromise about where to spend your money. A graceful touch can be easily distorted into a grating grasp while Venus is moving backward.

Commitments can be tricky too as you might see that new apartment or shiny new car with rose-colored glasses. Venus also rules personal spending, so be careful of shifty investment deals.

Excellent money, growth, and opportunity days: August 5, 14, 15, 19

Good money, growth, and opportunity days: August 2, 3, 4, 9, 13, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27, 31

Trulia Money Horoscope August Aries


This month, fearless Mars and magnetic Venus both enter your house of risk, gambling, and fun. Under normal circumstances, this could produce a memorable and carefree summer. However, with Venus moving backward during August, it tells more of a cautionary tale. Spot wallet hazards first and take decisive action second.

Set intentions with the midmonth new moon related to Mars and Venus in your house of gambling and recreation.

Action days: August 3, 6, 7, 12, 23, 31

Non-action days: August 5, 20, 27

Trulia August Horoscope Taurus


Summer is a great time to work on home improvement; but with an eye for beauty, Venus is moving retrograde in your house of home and family. To complicate matters, jazzed-up Mars is also hanging out — pushing you to improve or search for a better living arrangement. Exercise vigilance and care during the month and make calculated financial decisions.

Set intentions with the new moon on August 14 related to what you really desire in a housing situation.

Action days: August 3, 6, 7, 12, 23, 31

Non-action days: August 5, 20, 27

Trulia Money Horoscope August Gemini


How much do you know about housing, investing, or home improvement, adaptable Gemini? Studious Mercury has entered your house of home and family. This month is great for doing homework related to housing goals; whether it’s home improvement, house hunting, or the mortgage process, get the information you need in August. Research is in your favor this month!

Set intentions around finding networking opportunities or researching the best house or investment for the long term with the midmonth new moon.

Research days: August 2, 5, 7, 10, 16, 21, 26, 27

Non­-research days: August 6, 8, 12, 24, 31

Trulia Money Horoscope August Cancer


Looking for hoopla in your house of earned income and financial vision? It’s here, with hesitation. Both action-oriented Mars and graceful Venus are in your corner, yet Venus is moving backward. Don’t let this bum you out. Keep a watchful eye on spending and use the fire of Mars for other projects such as working overtime or renewing passions that earn money.

Set intentions related to your financial vision and earned income sources with the new moon on August 14.

Action days: August 3, 6, 7, 12, 23, 31

Non-action days: August 5, 20, 27

Trulia Money Horoscope August Leo


Ever wonder how you can increase your bottom line? Strategizing Mercury is making its yearly visit to your house of financial vision, personal resources, and earned income, and is willing to show you how to cut personal costs and home expenses, and cook up ideas on how to bring in extra money. Refinance? Cut the cable TV? Ask for a raise? Now’s the time to research and calculate, but not necessarily execute.

With the new moon on August 14, set intentions related to how you are perceived in the world.

Research days: August 2, 5, 7, 10, 16, 21, 26, 27

Non-research days: August 6, 8, 12, 24, 31

Trulia Money Horoscope August Virgo


Feeling a pinch? Slow and steady Saturn has been in your house of networking, communication, and research for the last three years. With Saturn’s last crawl, consider taking a class related to your goals to be better informed. Saturn is about strict determination, responsibility, and the long way around. Don’t cut corners when it comes to your goals; invest in what will make them achievable.

Midmonth, set intentions related to the positive karma you’ve accumulated.

Responsible days: August 12, 17, 22, 26, 30

Non-­responsible days: August 1, 5, 7, 14, 21, 29

Trulia Money Horoscope August Libra


Want to get to know your neighbors, Libra? This is the month to strengthen bonds within your neighborhood, or with like‐minded individuals. Both brazen Mars and heart‐centered Venus enter your house of tribe, community, and groups that share a common ideal. This is a great time to organize a neighborhood cleanup, group painting project, or block party, which creates ties — and raises property values as a bonus! But beware — with Venus moving backward, you might have the drive but not the charm to pull it all off.

Set midmonth new-moon intentions related to your house of community and shared common good.

Action days: August 3, 6, 7, 12, 23, 31

Non-­action days: August 5, 20, 27

Trulia Money Horoscope August Scorpio


Aggressive Mars is on your side and in your house of career path or worldly reputation. Harmonious Venus is moving retrograde and won’t be much help, but if you’ve already done the negotiations, then go get what you deserve! No time for niceties — Mars is pushing you to assert your worth and strut your stuff. Grab that house, get that mortgage, or demand that new position!

With the new moon on August 14, set intentions around your ambitious goals and vocation.

Action days: August 3, 6, 7, 12, 23, 31

Non-action days: August 5, 20, 27

Trulia Money Horoscope August Sagittarius


Thinking about a career move or about how to be a favorable candidate for a loan? August is the month to take a peek into how to get ahead. Mental Mercury is in your house of career and worldly reputation. Research how to improve your credit score or land the job of your dreams. Mercury is a spry little networker, so employ those crafty skills to get to where you want to be.

Research days: August 2, 5, 7, 10, 16, 21, 26, 27

Non-research days: August 6, 8, 12, 24, 31

Trulia Money Horoscope August Capricorn


Your responsible ruling planet, Saturn, has been taking baby steps in your house of community, hopes, and wishes for almost three years. Saturn has no doubt helped you critique and calculate what it is you really want. Is it a vacation? Is it a home in the country? Is it early retirement? Either way, this is your last month to plan, scrutinize, or get structures in place for your next move.

During the new moon on August 14, set intentions related to the money of others working in your favor: loans, trusts, interest earned.

Responsible days: August 12, 17, 22, 26, 30

Non-­responsible days: August 1, 5, 7, 14, 21, 29

Trulia Money Horoscope August Aquarius


Jaunting into your house of partnerships, contracts, and collaborations are initiating Mars and gregarious Venus. While this might be exciting for relationships, consider that Venus is moving backward and perhaps unhinged. Only if you have done the negotiating ahead of time are you to jump into the new housing deal, collaboration, or binding contract. Keep your eyes peeled for equal contributions this month, especially when it comes to money.

Make related intentions during the new moon on August 14.

Action days: August 3, 6, 7, 12, 23, 31

Non-­action days: August 5, 20, 27

Trulia Money Horoscope August Pisces


I’ll admit it: Saturn has the rep of cramping one’s style, but it’s a hard worker, and it has been in your house of education and long-distance travel for three years (it leaves next month). Are you an expert in something? To make a little money, consider teaching others. If you’ve been mulling a cross-country move or an overseas abode, this is the last month to get everything in order.

With the midmonth new moon, make intentions related to projects that require a considerable time investment — working on a fixer-upper, perhaps?

Responsible days: August 12, 17, 22, 26, 30

Non-responsible days: August 1, 5, 7, 14, 21, 29