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Trulia’s 12 Houses: April Horoscope

Trulia April Horoscope
This month, you might feel as if you’re at a standstill. Focus on your passions and challenges so you’re ready to move forward come May.

As the month opens in the season of Aries, the first sign of spring, its ruler Mars prepares for a rare cosmic event known as Mars retrograde. Mars appears to be moving backward from our vantage point on Earth. Symbolically, this is seen as a time when we reinvigorate passions, refocus on challenges, and consider whether energy needs to be redirected. It’s best not to launch projects that require a lot of energy and excitement until after retrograde ends (so maybe hold off on that remodel of your Reno, NV, home for sale). During these 10 weeks, people can feel stuck and stagnant — as though things were at a standstill. But it’s a great time to be in the moment and appreciate each day.

What days should you pay attention to for your April horoscope?

Excellent growth, money, and opportunity days: 8, 10

Good growth, money, and opportunity days: 2, 6, 14-15, 20, 30

Trulia Aries April Horoscope


What are you rebelling against, dear Aries? If your response is a grumpy one, you may be feeling the restless influence of Uranus. The insubordinate and frenetic planet has been rocking Aries for the last five years and is more active certain times of year, including April. So this month, keep in mind that while technology might be liberating, it can also be a challenging distraction from regular day-to-day activities. Be conscious of mindlessness or unusual behavior. (Also? Be mindful of where you put your keys.) Reconnect with friends on April 22.

Most innovative days: 3, 7-9, 11, 15, 22, 26, 30

Least innovative days: 1, 10, 13, 20, 28

Trulia Taurus April Horoscope


In a way, time machines do exist. With the phenomenon known as Mercury retrograde, the normally spry planet appears to move backward. And since Mercury rules travel, communication, and commerce, you’ll need extra time this month for unexpected plane delays, unanswered text messages, or puzzling over the ways debt applies to your mortgage rate. During this three-week period, it’s a great idea to do extra reviews and thorough research before making final decisions. Mercury retrogrades are also excellent opportunities to build in more time for you, as Mercury more strongly affects Taurus through April and May. Keep making progress toward your goals with some talk therapy or journaling; both are excellent activities now. With the new moon on April 7, set intentions related to positive karma you’ve accumulated or insights you may gather through contemplative silence.

Best research days: 3, 8, 12, 14, 17-18

Unfavorable research days: 1, 15, 23, 28, 30

Trulia Gemini April Horoscope


Magnetic Venus is slowly moving through your house of groups working for a positive future, granting you the charm and poise to rally people around a cause you care about. With a national election on the horizon, this would be an ideal month to get involved. But if politics aren’t your jam, consider community service at a food bank or local school district. You might find joy in these places, but the take-home message is that you have a certain je ne sais quoi when it comes to motivating and unifying people for a cause, mission, or goal. So work it! Get fired up on the 12th and innovate on the 22nd.

Best negotiating days: 1, 6, 10, 15, 22, 26

Unfavorable negotiating days: 12, 20, 29

Trulia Cancer April Horoscope


Truth-seeking Jupiter travels through your house of communication, learning, and the local environment this month. Take a step back and examine what you believe, but consider investigating others’ truths too. Look for an important piece of missing information on the 14th. When the new moon arrives on April 7, set out an intention related to the work you do that makes your heart leap. Lay the groundwork to get your name out in the world!

Benefic days: 8, 13-14, 17, 22, 27

Least benefic days: 4, 10, 25

Trulia Leo April Horoscope


Imagine your name in lights. (Can you see it?) Now is the time to create a plan to get it there, as mental Mercury hikes backward in your house of career and worldly reputation. Spend time investigating what your next move should be, and resist the urge to tell everyone within earshot what your plans are. In fact, don’t make any decisions about your work until June. It might be hard, but keep a lid on it. Look out for a fortuitous clue on the 14th and a powerful bump up on the 19th.

Best research days: 3, 8, 12, 14, 17-18

Unfavorable research days: 1, 15, 23, 28, 30

Trulia Virgo April Horoscope


Feeling some tension at home these days? Both fired-up Mars and disciplined Saturn are wiggling through your house of home, family, and lineage. Mars will retrograde at the end of the month, so if there’s a home project with big payoff on the horizon that really should be dealt with, don’t hesitate — or there could be a temper tantrum in August. Plan now, but don’t make final arrangements until July, after the retrograde passes. Be on the lookout for an offer of help on April 12.

Best action days: 2, 6, 12, 14, 19, 24, 29

Unfavorable action days: 4, 10, 17

Trulia Libra April Horoscope


Open the windows and let in some fresh air since you cleared out all the cosmic trash last month, dear Libra. Your fair ruler, relational Venus, is prancing in your house of relationships, collaborations, and contracts through most of the month, urging you to spruce up your relationships or add flexibility to your business. Let artful Venus negotiate those deals and balance contracts equitably. A smile will go a long way. Mind the power struggles around the 19th, enjoy the innovative ideas of a friend on the 22nd, and relish the passionate sparks between you and someone dear around the 12th.

Best negotiating days: 1, 6, 10, 15, 22, 26

Unfavorable negotiating days: 12, 20, 29

Trulia Scorpio April Horoscope


Feeling artsy, Scorpio? It’s a great time to lose yourself in a creative pursuit as Neptune glides around your house of romance, creativity, and recreation, quietly asking if you are tapping into your field of dreams often enough. Even the fiercest Scorpio needs some time to be vulnerable and playful. You’ll have a unique chance in May (and later this year) to manifest what you envision, so spend some time on your creative pursuits this month.

Best creative days: 4, 8, 12, 22, 27

Unfavorable creative days: 10, 17, 25

Trulia Sagittarius April Horoscope


This month, Uranus, the planet of surprise, revolution, and talents, meets with Venus, the planet of relating, sociability, and affinity. In your house of romance, creative expression, and projects with a big return on investment, you’ll have an adventure to look forward to near the 22nd as the two planets conjoin in the sky. With Uranus in the mix, there are always surprises, but the timing is favorable, so be open to a small sum of money from a quick investment, an unexpected visit from a friend, a new lover, or a stroke of creative genius. Don’t hold back; look for signs and synchronicities from midmonth until April’s end.

Most innovative days: 3, 7-9, 11, 15, 22, 26, 30

Least innovative days: 1, 10, 13, 20, 28

Trulia Capricorn April Horoscope


Your search for truth might have you considering travel in a major way. Winter was an excellent time to research and plan for your escape, as faithful Jupiter is currently retrograde in your house of philosophy, religion, and higher learning. Your worldview will sharpen with joyous Jupiter’s forward movement in late May, so now is the time to finalize your research on things to know before buying a vacation home. April 14 highlights a piece of information headed your way by letter, email, or word of mouth. With the new moon on April 7, set intentions related to your family, ancestral roots, or what you really want in a home.

Benefic days: 8, 13-14, 17, 22, 27

Least benefic days: 4, 10, 25

Trulia Aquarius April Horoscope


They say to keep your eyes on the prize. And for the Aquarian, the ultimate prize is the betterment of all humankind. Brawny Mars has joined Saturn in your house of affiliation, association, and community. It’s a riot of energy, but Mars is losing steam as it prepares to move backward at the end of the month. What’s gotten you riled up recently? Retreat into a calmer space to make a plan of attack for August, when Mars will once more move full speed ahead.

Best action days: April 2, 6, 12, 14, 19, 24, 29

Unfavorable action days: April 4, 10, 17

Trulia Pisces April Horoscope


The mutable sign Pisces has a reputation of being a fair-weather friend, and this stereotype might not be helped by Neptune, which is currently floating around in your house of self-identity, the body, and perception. Hazy Neptune makes boundaries porous, which could cause you to change your mind, your mood, and your health on a whim. Self-care is an important tool, especially for the next seven years, while Neptune is hanging out. One remedy: Detox your sleep space each morning, by whatever method works for you. With the April 7 new moon, let loose intentions related to how you can expand your streams of income or more effectively manage your resources or possessions.

Best creative days: 4, 8, 12, 22, 27

Unfavorable creative days: 10, 17, 25