How To Squeeze A Tree Into Your Living Room

By Trulia | Dec 06, 2016 4:03PM

Picture this: You’ve recently moved to a new Washington, DC, apartment or snagged a new home for sale in Houston, TX, and your furniture is perfectly positioned: There’s just enough room for your swanky chesterfield sofa, club chair, and coffee table. But as the season changes and you swap out your pumpkin-spice candle with cranberry peppermint, a thought hits you like a sack of coal: There’s no room in your perfect living room for a Christmas tree.

Take a deep breath of that delightfully festive-smelling air. Just because there’s no space in your current configuration doesn’t mean you have to forgo a tree. And while there are tons of ideas out there for alternative Christmas trees — including twine trees and book pyramids — sometimes nothing beats the smell of a real Fraser fir. Although you may have to settle for something smaller than your dream 7-foot tree, you can still fit in a tree with a little creative thinking.

First things first: Safety. When considering your unconventional tree placement, make sure you’re not blocking a walkway or doorway. Ensure your tree (and those precariously placed glass ornaments) isn’t an obstruction to actually walking around your space. Next, remember that Santa does not appreciate tripping over an extension cord as he reaches for his milk and cookies. Finally, place that tree in an area that’s away from heating elements, including forced air, radiators, and fireplaces you use.

Safety concerns addressed? Good. Cue the holiday music, fire up that cranberry-peppermint candle, and consider one of these five ways to deck your halls and squeeze a tree into any space.

Are you a fan of the tabletop Christmas tree? Where does your tree usually go? Share in the comments!

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