How to Ballpark Your Net Profit After Selling

By Trulia | May 12, 2015 6:26AM

While you’re more than ready to count your cash after selling your home, you may be uncertain about how much money you’ll make on the sale. Chances are, your profit will be a major factor in how much money you can put down on your next home, so this is important stuff.

It’s not as simple as you might think to calculate your net profit after selling — there are agents’ commissions to consider, potential repair costs, and a host of other factors that can have an impact on your bottom line.

Vendor costs, some taxes, and regulations are state-specific, so I have broad-stroked the kinds of expenses you will encounter. But you can use the following guide to help ballpark your net profit.

Loan fees

You will owe a fee to your mortgage lender or bank if there was a prepayment penalty associated with your loan. Hopefully, you already know this (otherwise, surprise!), but if you can’t remember the details, go back and pull out the note you signed and read the fine print.


Once you have paid off your mortgage and any other loans on the property, real estate agent sales commissions are your next biggest cost. These can range from 4% to 8% of the purchase price.


Any repairs that were agreed to and written into the contract after the buyer’s inspection will be subtracted from your bottom line. If you promised the buyer you would fix the roof and repair the broken window in the bedroom, now is the time to pony up and subtract the total from your profit.


The taxman cometh — and your home sale is no exception. The precise amount of taxes due depends on your state’s tax cycle and when you sold the home. Additionally, some states have an excise or stamp tax, which is the seller’s responsibility and assessed as a percentage of the purchase price.

Escrow/settlement fees

You’re responsible for costs related to your closing agent, whether they are a real estate attorney or an escrow agent. Also factor in any courier or wiring fees, and administrative costs as well. Typically, you and the buyer will split this cost.

Buyer’s credit

If there was an agreement to offer the buyers a credit, subtract this from your bottom line as well.

The good news? You may have some credits coming your way. Depending on the timing of the sale, you could have an escrow, home insurance, or tax credit.

After getting a ballpark idea of your net profit, use this information as a starting point for a conversation with your real estate professional — they can provide a more detailed accounting of your final take-home from your home sale.

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