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Father Knows Best When it Comes to Real Estate

What must-have features would be on Dad's wish list?

Father’s Day is almost here. Typically, we dads mark the occasion by receiving ties and other funny gifts. I’m a father of three boys, and I love this holiday. I also run a non-profit for Bay Area fathers, and through this venture, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many Dad Bloggers from across the country.

This year, many of my new friends have been featured on the Today show and GMA series on Modern Dads, showcasing how fathers today have become more engaged and involved as partners in parenthood. In fact, there are currently over 2M stay-at-home dads (SAHDs) in the US.

With Father’s Day upon us, I took some time to ask my fellow dads a question: if you were to buy a house – any house – what must-have features would be on your wish list?

Here are their picks:

Mike Heenan from At Home Dad Matters

As a Bay Area blogger and stay-at-home-dad of two high-spirited, rambunctious little girls, there are but a few house hunting imperatives these days. Three items make the list: (1) a beautiful use of open space, (2) a safe, wide open deck or porch, and (3) a lower-level playroom where the girls can go nuts.  Boy does this listing have it ALL!

Pierre Calzadilla from

For our family, I’d love a four-bedroom, two-bath house so grandparents and cousins can easily visit. Ideally, it would be near all the fun stuff like zoos and parks and have a great yard to farm in. Maybe we’d even have pet chickens to teach the kids about the circle of life. On top of that, we’d need a family room dedicated to video games and movies, a BBQ area, and a master bathroom with a sweet jacuzzi tub for unwinding at the end of the day. And there’d be bonus points if the house had an office the whole family could use for writing or homework. THIS house, with dedicated separate quarters for guests, may just nail it.

Sean Davis from New Zealand Fatherhood site fromladtodad

My one must-have is a large, enjoyable playground in the back yard within yelling distance of my home bar, so I can sip a drink and watch my kids play – and when needed, yell from my barstool to sort them out.

Ryan Miller from the San Luis Obispo New Times

I’d want a library, one with shelves tall enough to require ladders. And a fireplace. And room for a globe that opens up to reveal scotch and tumblers (which, obviously, wouldn’t come with the house). I’d love this dedicated space for books, so I can show my children how important reading is. Other must-haves: a deep farmhouse sink to fit even our biggest pots and pans, a mud room, a stove with a flat-top for easier cooking for this family of five, and a yard big enough to grow some vegetables and let the kids stay outside all day in the summers. I think this home will fit the bill.

Most of the dads, like Buzz Bishop from DadCamp, really wanted a yard big enough for their kids to “really play in” or a Jacuzzi; several mentioned barns and sheds, too. Perhaps once young men become fathers, man caves are a thing of the past. Happy Father’s Day, dads! Here’s to hoping you get the house of your dreams – and no more ties!

Lastly… Dads, it’s your last chance to enter our sweepstakes give-away. Enter now.